
Time Line of Achievement

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Past MHLA and MAHIP Executives

Years 1977 - 1999       Years 2000 -2010          Years 2010 -


1976 - 1977

In 1976 interested people from the health sciences libraries community received an invitation to a meeting.  On October 20, 1976 nineteen people working in health libraries meet at the Manitoba Association of Registered Nurses. Voting unanimously to "form a group" the group was named the Manitoba Health Sciences Libraries, Rena Kroeker was elected as the Association’s first president.


At this first meeting it was decided unanimously that an alphabetically arranged list of participating libraries journal itltes be created to form the Union List of Journals.


Representives from the following libraries and organization were present:

Alcohol & Drug Foundation Library

Grace Hospital Library

Children's Hospital Library, Health Sciences Centre

Deer Lodge Hospital Library

Manitoba Health Services Commission

St. Boniface Hospital Library

St. Boniface School of Nursing Library

Victoria General Hospital Library

Medical Library, University of Manitoba

Extension Librarian, University of Manitoba, Funded by the College of Physicians & Surgeons

Misericordia Hospital Library

Health Sciences School of Nursing Library

Winnipeg Clinic

Manitoba Cancer Treatment & Research Foundation


May 11, 1977 The Manitoba Health Libraries Association Constitution and By-Laws was approved. Membership rates were $2.00 for the year.


Recommended lists of basic medical and nursing books for core library collection in small, rural hospitals was compiled


Read The Birth and Growth of the Manitoba Health Libraries Association written by Rena Kroeker for a glimpse into the establishing and early workings of the Manitoba Health Libraries Association (MHLA)



Manitoba Health Libraries Association was one of six regional groups to meet requirements for Canadian Health Libraries Association (CHLA) chapter status.


Core List of Medical and Nursing Material Suitable for Hospital Libraries in Rural Manitoba was produced and distributed.



The first issue of the MHLA News is published.


Joanne Marshall from the Health Sciences Library at McMaster University presented to MHLA members on Clinical Librarianship May 9, 1979.


The first edition of MHLA's Serials Holdings of Member Libraries  was compiled and distributed. The computerized union list included locations of 876 journal titles held by sixteen hospitals and health libraries in Winnipeg and Brandon.


Mrs. M. A Flower, President of CHLA/ABSC welcomes MHLA as the fourth chapter of  CHLA/ABSC.


"Working in Health Libraries" a Red River Community College course for diploma library technicians was began in January 1979.  This was a 40 hour course taught on Saturday mornings.




Selected Books and Journals for Manitoba Health Care Facilities is published. The list is endorsed by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba, the Maniotba Association of Registered Nurses, the Rural Facilities Division and the Personal Care Home Section of the Manitoba Health Services Commission.


Second edition of Serials Holding of Member Libraries  is produced and distributed to member institutions.




A preliminary report from Task Force on Shared Services in Manitoba Health Libraries charged with making recommendations on future action to be taken by MHLA with regard to the creation of a formal health library consortium in Manitoba was written.



The Canadian Health Libraries Association Annual conference was held June 12-15, 1983 at the Delta Marlborough Inn.  Rights and Responsibilities was the conference theme, 2 continuing education courses were offered, Keynote was Daniel LeTouze, Vice president of the Canadian Hospital Association.   Reception at Winnipeg Art Gallery Roof Top Garden, Conference Banquet Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce Dining Room.  Conference registration was $40.00 for members, $45.00 for non-member, $20.00 for students.





The INFOHEALTH Task Force was established in the Fall of 1986 by MHLA in response to the development and marketing by the Canadian Hospital Association of INFOHEALTH, a nation wide on-line information and communications system for hospitals.  The Task Force set out to clarify many unanswered questions about INFOHEALTH and to explore the possible role for MHLA. 



The first edition of the MHLA Audio-Visual Union List was produced in 1990. The list, 100 double-sided pages, was produced using PCFile+ and was made available to MHLA members at a cost of $15.  


The Barbara Carstens Memorial Fund was established in spring 1990. A $1,000.00 GIC was purchased with the accumulating interest to be used to support continuing education sessions for members of MHLA.


At the February 13, 1991 Winter Meeting, MHLA member Michael Tennenhouse, of the University of Manitoba Medical Library, presented information on "Internet", a network enabling access to most American and some Canadian university and research centre library catalogues at no cost to users.


CHLA accepts MHLA's offer to host the Association's 1992 annual conference in Winnipeg.



MHLA member Ada Ducas is incoming CHLA/ABSC President in June 1991. On October 4, 1991, MHLA and the Saskatchewan Health Libraries Association hold a joint meeting in Brandon, MB. MHLA joins the newly formed Manitoba Libraries Consortium, a resource-sharing network of Manitoba libraries. In February 1992, the decision is made by MHLA members to mount the MHLA Union List of Serials onto Bridge, the University of Manitoba Library online system.



MHLA hosts the 16th annual CHLA/ABSC conference in Winnipeg, June 6-10, 1992 at the Sheraton Hotel. The theme, "Worlds to Explore" reflects the significant challenges facing health libraries "as they work to develop new and innovative ways of managing information and making as accessible as possible to their clients", according to the welcome written by conference co-chairs Ada Ducas and Judy Inglis. Highlights of the conference include continuing education sessions on MEDLARS, Grateful Med and Health Information on the Internet; speakers on international health care systems, the role of NLM in international librarianship, the Canadian medicare system and the shrinking world of library resources; and many social events including the closing banquet at the Hitch'n Post Ranch for a truly Manitoban event. The 1992 conference debuted the chapter gifts donated by CHLA/ABSC chapters from across the country.


The MHLA Fall General Meeting is held on September 25, !992 in Fargo, North Dakota in conjunction with the North Dakota Library Association.


At the Annual General Meeting held May 27, 1993, Rena Kroeker is presented with the MHLA Honourary Life Membership Award and Kathy Eagleton is posthumously awarded the MHLA Commendation for Outstanding Achievement.


Task Force on the Future Direction of the Manitoba Health Libraries Association files it's report in the spring of 1993. A brief history of mhla union list.pdf is created.



MHLA member Judy Inglis is named the CHLA/ABSC Canadian Hospital Librarian of the Year and receives her award at the CHLA/ABSC annual conference. At the MHLA AGM, Jill Brown is awarded the MHLA Honourary Life Membership and Judy Inglis is presented with a Commendation for Outstanding Library Service.



A Docline trial is begun at the University of Manitoba Medical Library. At the May 1995 AGM a special reception is held to honour Audrey Kerr, retiring head of the University of Manitoba Medical Library. She is presented with the Commendation for Outstanding Library Service and Honourary Life Membership in MHLA.



A Docline Workshop is presented by Jim Henderson in Winnipeg on September 22, 1995.


An ad-hoc committee conducted a survey of members to determine technical and financial resources of libraries to implement Docline. Updating of the MHLA Union List of Serials from the University of Manitoba’s online catalogue is discontinued after the catalogue was changed from Bridge to Bison.


Manitoba Health Libraries Association Position Paper on Access to Health Information (draft) prepared.



MHLA Web Site Development Committee formed to develop a web site on University of Manitoba’s server by summer of 1997.


David Colborne, President writes letter to Senate of Canada in response to copyright Bill C-32.


Bill Poluha’s Telemedicine Canada submission Libraries Responding to the Changing Health Care Environments.



MHLA member’s listserv created by Norma Godavari and Carol Cooke.


Membership survey created.


Access to Knowledge-Based Health Information in Manitoba: A Position Paper by the Manitoba Health Libraries Association, February 1998.



Summary of results for MHLA Membership survey.


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