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This Handbook is a guide for Manitoba Association of Health Information Providers (MAHIP) Executive members regarding the various duties that may not be covered by the Association’s Constitution and Bylaws.
Copies of the revised Handbook will be distributed to the incoming Executive prior to its first meeting. At this meeting, there will be an opportunity to discuss the duties as outlined, thus clarifying procedures that Executive members should follow. Each member should keep a working copy of their duties and procedures, listing any changes that occur during the year so that revisions may be made to the Handbook.
Although this is an informal document that may be changed as the situation demands, it should be reviewed annually by each year's Vice-President and revised as required.
The following resources should also be consulted by the Executive.
MAHIP Constitution
Taking on a leadership role
CHLA/ABSC who are we
Our Mission
To improve and promote the provision of quality health information services and resources throughout Manitoba
A Brief History
MAHIP began …
Executive members shall be expected to:
1. Be acquainted with the Bylaws, particularly with those sections pertaining to their positions held on the executive.
2. Review their predecessor's records and take into consideration suggestions presented in the President’s annual report.
3. Keep accurate records of the activities pertaining to their positions.
4. Present at each Executive meeting a progress report on their activities related to the Association, including suggestions to their successors.
5. Attend all Executive meetings of the Association and functions whenever possible.
6. Arrange for another Executive member to carry out their duties or to present their report if unable to attend an Executive meeting or function.
7. Determine the appropriate content for the MAHIP website and provide that information to the websmaster.
8. Provide all records pertaining to their offices to their successors.
9. Provide one copy of all relevant materials, including correspondence, to the Secretary for archival purposes.
Meetings, Programmes & Social Events
Executive members shall be expected to:
1. Assist with MAHIP events as necessary.
2. Encourage MAHIP members and non-members to attend events.
3. Welcome members and guests at events and/or meetings.
4. Coordinate and set up the programmes and meetings to be held during the year.
5. Refer to any notes compiled by previous Executives on the organization of specific events, such as the Continuing Education sessions and the Annual General Meeting. These should be attached to the Handbook as appendices.
6. Arrange specific details of programmes as required, including:
a) Deciding dates.
b) Confirming speakers.
c) Booking meeting rooms, with consideration of parking facilities and availability of public transportation.
d) Provision of refreshments for each AGM and/or special meeting of the Association, ensuring that dietary requirements are met (vegetarian meals and food allergies).
e) Defining specific needs for meetings, such as AV and computer requirements.
f) Developing publicity for the event/programme.
g) Confirming with any guest speaker the definite date, time, and place along with other arrangements such as transportation, accommodations, fees, etcetera.
7. Prepare budgets for programmes whenever feasible.
8. Provide a brief report on each event, review feedback, background information, speakers, attendance, costs, advice and suggestions for future planning.
9. Become aware of coming events or attractions that could be suitable for future meetings and make early tentative contacts for information.
10. Cooperate with other organizations and institutions in planning joint meetings, workshops, et cetera.
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